
Serving at Redeemer

There are many places to serve the Lord at Redeemer.  Many positions are open to anyone who would like to volunteer.  Our congregation is very active and benefits greatly from the time and talents of many members.

Board of Elders

Redeemer's Board of Elders are responsible for the spiritual health, direction, and care of our entire congregation.  They asist the pastoral staff in scheduling and conducting worship. They help set and determine our mission goals and funding, and they work towards the overall well-being of our congregation.  Our Elders are not merely volunteers, but carefully chosen men who fit the Biblical qualifications, are active in church life, and involved in regular Bible study.

Church Council

  • Officers - Council volunteer offices are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer.
  • Committees
    • Christian Education - Volunteers oversee the Christian Education Ministry for all ages in the congregation. Volunteer teachers from the membership share God's love through Jesus with children and teach them the stories of the Bible. The English Standarad Version of the Bible is used. To learn more about Redeemer's Christian Education Ministry link here.
    • Evangelism-Volunteers carry out the outreach efforts of the congregation including welcoming and contacting Sunday visitors, assimilating new members, overseeing various media communications, and other endeavors that encourage growth in relationship with Jesus Christ our crucified, died and risen Savior.
    • Garden-Volunteers maintain the landscaping and gardens on the church grounds including the Redeemer Memorial Garden on the northeast corner of the property. A monthly workday is scheduled during growing season, and volunteers then stop in as they are able to plant, weed, feed, and water the gardens.
    • Fellowship - Volunteers plan family friendly events for the congregation.
    • Planning & Stewardship -Volunteers determine the long and short term plans for the congregation including the financial needs to maintain the ministries, building and grounds. Seeking input from the membership the committee prepares the annual Mission Spending Plan for the congregation. These volunteers also recruit volunteers for officers and committee membership.
    • Trustees - Volunteers serve to inventory and meet the needs of the buildings, grounds and equipment of the church including seeking bids from contractors and supervising work performed.

Women's Ministries Service

  • Altar Guild volunteers prepare the altar each weekend, and care for the paraments and other items used during the worship services.
  • Ladies Society volunteers carry out a variety of activities and events such as serving as hostesses for funeral meals and congregational activities, scheduling speakers and Bible Studies relative to women, carrying out the annual rummage sale, supervising the supplies and maintenance of the kitchen and fellowship hall, and many other duties. For information about the Lutheran Women's Missionary League link here.

Youth Service

  • Sunday School children are guided in service to the church through activities such as a greeting card ministry to shut-ins and the home bound, participating in the Souper Bowl of Caring food drive in January, and singing in the youth voice and hand bell choirs. For information about Christian Education link here.
  • Acolyte volunteers are 5th, 6th and 7th grade confirmation students who assist during worship by caring for the altar and sanctuary candles, and perform other duties as instructed. For information about Confirmation link here.
  • Youth Group volunteers in grades 8 through 12 host and prepare the annual Easter breakfast fellowship, host and prepare the Polar Bear Picnic fellowship in February, assist with the annual rummage sale and bake sale, guide and mentor Vacation Bible School participant children, and perform other service as requested by the congregation. For information about youth outreach service activities link here.


  • Volunteers of all ages serve through the music ministry of Redeemer Congregation including voice and hand bell choirs, and sharing other intrumental talents to assist in the worship services here. For information about the music ministry link here.
